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Prof. Dr. Javier Valdes

Energy transitions, BigGeoData, Regional policy


Head of the Geoinformatics Research Group of the Freyung Technology Campus.

TCF Campus Deggendorf ITC2 2.50b


consulting time

Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-12:00 by appointment

Since 2021 CrossChargePoint Project Director and Coordinator https://ccp-project.eu/ Since 2021 Mitwirkender Partner des H2in-Projekts in Chile https://h2in.cl/ Since 2022 Koordinator der Grow4Energy Summer School https://www.th-deg.de/de/veranstaltung?id=3551730

Past projects:

2018-2020 e-road project https://go-eroad.eu/de/ 2018-2020 INCREASE Project
