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Deggendorf institute of technology

Pioneering & vibrant

become a professor.

at dit

We are constantly looking for committed people from the field who would like to teach at the highest level and conduct pioneering research at our fast-growing and innovative university. As a professor, you will benefit from a future-proof job, personal freedom and will be able to set your own priorities in teaching, research and transfer. You pass on your knowledge and experience to the next generation or put your research findings into practice for industry or society.

A professorship means freedom, self-realisation and fulfilment. Shape the future with us - become a professor!



Required qualifications and experience

The General requirements for the appointment to a professorship (Art. 57 BayHIG [Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act]) are:

  • Completed university education
  • Exceptional academic research skills, usually demonstrated by the quality of the candidate’s doctorate
  • Pedagogical aptitude
  • Outstanding accomplishments in the development or implementation of research with at least five years professional experience. This must have been acquired after the completion of academic studies with at least three of the five years outside the higher education sector. In some cases, proof of non-academic professional work may be acceptable when a significant part of this work involved cooperation between the higher education sector and a non-academic body over a minimum period of five years.


Legal framework

  • Secure employment, civil service status is possible (if general civil service requirements are met)
  • Salary group W2 according to the Bavarian Salary Act (Bayerisches Besoldungsgesetz) as well as possible bonus payments
  • Currently 18 semester hours (18 SWS) per week of full-time teaching at a W2 group professorship



  • Academic freedom to teach and research at the same time
  • Self-determined work with the opportunity to set your own priorities
  • Flexible scheduling, great work-life balance
  • Flexibility to continue working in the private sector or to run a business alongside the professorship
  • Interdisciplinary research ecosystem and attractive research infrastructure
  • The possibility to apply for a sabbatical (Freisemester) for the purposes of research, entrepreneurial or professional practice activities (cf. Art. 61 BayHIG).
  • The possibility to apply for a sabbatical (Freisemester) for the purposes of research, entrepreneurial or professional practice activities (cf. Art. 61 BayHIG).
  • The opportunity to apply for a temporary research professorship (including a focus professorship for newly appointed professors) with a reduced teaching load
  • Career opportunities such as Dean or Dean of Studies at the faculty, or in other leadership positions at the administration or at our technology campuses or research institutes
  • Great benefits for all university staff


Extra support

  • Mentors at your side and a welcoming event (Welcome to the DIT) to help you to make a good start at the DIT
  • Teaching support and a mentoring programme for digital teaching
  • Support when applying for research funding
  • Support for junior scientists from the DIT Centre for Doctorate Studies and the academic certificate programme “Research and Dissertation Competence”
  • Support with patenting ideas and with start-ups
  • Dual Career Service for the partners and families of newly appointed and to-be-appointed professors

Junior professorship

Required qualifications and experience

General requirements for the appointment to a junior professorship (Art. 64 BayHIG [Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act])

Within the framework of a junior professorship at universities of applied sciences, suitable applicants can develop the experience and qualifications to find employment as a full professor at a university of applied sciences later in their careers, according to the BayHIG (Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act) Art. 57 para. 3 sent. 1 no. 1 and 2.

For junior professorships, the following formal appointment requirements apply in accordance with Art. 64 para. 2 (BayHIG):

  • Completed university education
  • Pedagogical aptitude
  • Exceptional academic research skills, usually demonstrated by the quality of the candidate’s doctorate OR
  • Outstanding accomplishments in the development or implementation of research with at least five years professional experience. This must have been acquired after the completion of academic studies with at least three of the five years outside the higher education sector. In some cases, proof of non-academic professional work may be acceptable when a significant part of this work involved cooperation between the higher education sector and a non-academic body over a minimum period of five years.


Legal framework

  • Appointment as a temporary civil servant (if general civil service requirements are met)
  • Salary group W1 according to the Bavarian Salary Act (Bayerisches Besoldungsgesetz)
  • The right to officially use the title "professor" is linked to the time-limited civil service appointment. After leaving the employment relationship, this title may no longer be used (BayHIG Art. 63 para. 3).
  • The standard teaching obligation is a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 9 semester hours per week (AVBayHIG [regulation implementing the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act] para. 4).



  • The junior professorship offers you the chance to gain the experience and qualifications for a full professorship at a university of applied sciences
  • Academic freedom to teach and research, thereby:
    • Self-determined work with the opportunity to set your own priorities
    • Interdisciplinary research ecosystem and attractive research infrastructure
    • Flexible time management, great work-life balance
  • Career opportunities such as Dean or Dean of Studies at the faculty, or in other leadership positions at the administration or at our technology campuses or research institutes after gaining a full professorship
  • General benefits for all university staff


Extra Support

  • Mentors at your side and a welcoming event (Welcome to the DIT) to help you to make a good start at the DIT
  • Teaching support and a mentoring programme for digital teaching
  • Support when raising funds for research
  • Support for junior scientists from the DIT Centre for Doctorate Studies and the academic certificate programme “Research and Dissertation Competence
  • Support with patenting ideas and with start-ups
  • Dual Career Service for the partners and families of newly appointed and to-be-appointed professors


Would you like to gain some insight into the work as a professor at DIT and get to know some of your potential new colleagues?
Then, we recommend you watch the following videos from our series "People at DIT":

You can find the whole playlist here: Video series "People at DIT"

Your path to a professorship: appointment monitor

The path to professorship

The following list describes the selection procedure undertaken when a professor vacancy (also junior professorship) becomes available at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT).

Initially, the advertisement for a new professorship is submitted to the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts.

After the Ministry’s approval, the job advertisement is published online and in print media. When the DIT starts to receive applications for the job opening, the following steps are taken:


1. application period

The Department of Human Resources checks whether each applicant meets the formal criteria for the appointment as professor, then sends a full list of applicants to the appointment committee after the application deadline closes (usually after 4‒6 weeks). In the case of applicants with severe disabilities/entitled to equal opportunities support, the representative body for severely disabled people will be consulted.
The appointment committee consists of:

  • 4‒6 professors with voting rights, including one external member (in most cases, one of the two external experts); at least one of these is required to be a female professor who is not at the same time DIT`s Equality Representative for Women in Science and Art
  • Equality Representative for Women in Science and Art of the relevant faculty
  • Research associate representative of the relevant faculty
  • Students' representative of the relevant faculty


2. selection phase

In the first committee meeting, it is determined which applicants are to be invited for trial lectures. The date and the mandatory topic for the trial lecture is set. The Department of Human Resources completes another in-depth check of formal appointability prior to the trial lecture. Suitable candidates receive invitations for the trial lecture. The date can be announced in advance in the form of a save-the-date invitation. The mandatory topic for the trial lecture is provided to candidates at the earliest three weeks, at the latest two weeks, before the lecture. The elective topic for the second presentation is chosen by the candidates themselves.

3. Trial lecture and shortlist formation

On the day of the trial lecture, the candidates hold both their lectures, followed by a Q&A with the audience. You should seek to convince the audience with your professional competence and motivation with regard to your future appointment as a professor. The trial lecture is open to everyone at the DIT.

Finally, a personal interview with the appointment committee is held in private. You will get to know the appointment committee and have the chance to convince them of your personal, pedagogical and professional suitability.

After all candidates have been seen, a shortlist is formed with usually the three most suitable persons for the professorship. The length of time it takes to form this list may vary, and those on the list will be notified by the Department of Human Resources.


4. committee phase & appointment

The Senate gives its opinion on the shortlist decided by the appointment committee and takes into account any special votes. To get to know each other, the President can arrange personal meetings with the candidates on the shortlist. The President decides on the appointment without being bound by the ranking of the appointment committee’s proposal.

An offer of the professorship is issued to the leading candidate along with the request to accept within four weeks. Appointment negotiations with the President follow.

Potential starting dates are at the beginning of the winter or summer semesters (usually 1st of September/October or 1st of March/April, respectively).


5. A good start at the DIT

It is our priority that you feel welcomed to the DIT and settle in well to your new role as a professor. Therefore, a mentor will be at your side from the first day as part of our induction process. Further relevant information and contact people will be provided at our welcoming event for all new employees and newly appointed professors. Our support programme ranges from assistance with the application for research funding, a mentorship programme on digital teaching, to the Dual Career Service for the partners and families of newly appointed professors, and much more.

We would be happy to welcome you as part of our DIT family.


appointment monitor

You can find out about the current status of your applications with our appointment monitor. If you have any questions about the application and the procedure, please do not hesitate to contact the person named in your application process. However, please understand that we are not allowed to provide you with information on the specific status of your application. If a professor opening disappears from the list, this means that the position has either been filled or the process has been stopped.

BewerbungsphaseAuswahlphaseProbevorlesung & ListenbildungGremienphase und Ruferteilung

english-speaking professorships


Faculty: European Campus Rottal-Inn

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2

Process status: Committee phase & appointment

The list is confirmed by the Senate and the university management and one of the listed candidates will be offered the job and receives an invitation to appointment negotiations.

Contact: Jasmin Eiblmeier


german-speaking professorships


FacultyApplied Healthcare Sciences

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2

Process status: Trial lecture and committee listing

The selected candidates will be invited to attend an interview. This consists of:

  • Structured interview, if applicable
  • At least one university-public lecture related to the content of the professorship and, if applicable, a teaching sample of appropriate duration
  • A presentation of the future research profile and teaching concept
  • A non-public interview with members of the appointment committee

Contact: Hannah Stöffl



FacultyApplied Natural Sciences and Industrial Engineering

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2

Process status: Committee phase & appointment

The list is confirmed by the Senate and the university management and one of the listed candidates will be offered the job and receives an invitation to appointment negotiations.

Contact: Hannah Stöffl



Faculty: Applied Computer Science

Start date: Winter semester 2025/ 2026

Salary: W2 / W1

Process status: Application period

Application deadline: 28 February 2025

The application period ends on 28 February 2025. After the deadline ends all the application documents will be forwarded to the appointment committee.

To the job description: Professor for "Automobile Softwareentwicklung" 

Contact: Bettina Rackl



Faculty: Applied Computer Science

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2

Process status: Trial lecture and committee listing

The selected candidates will be invited to attend an interview. This consists of:

  • Structured interview, if applicable
  • At least one university-public lecture related to the content of the professorship and, if applicable, a teaching sample of appropriate duration
  • A presentation of the future research profile and teaching concept
  • A non-public interview with members of the appointment committee

Contact: Hannah Stöffl



Faculty: Applied Healthcare Sciences

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W1

Process status: Trial lecture and committee listing

The selected candidates will be invited to attend an interview. This consists of:

  • Structured interview, if applicable
  • At least one university-public lecture related to the content of the professorship and, if applicable, a teaching sample of appropriate duration
  • A presentation of the future research profile and teaching concept
  • A non-public interview with members of the appointment committee 

Contact: Jasmin Eiblmeier



FacultyApplied Natural Sciences and Industrial Engineering

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2

Process status: Trial lecture and committee listing

The selected candidates will be invited to attend an interview. This consists of:

  • Structured interview, if applicable
  • At least one university-public lecture related to the content of the professorship and, if applicable, a teaching sample of appropriate duration
  • A presentation of the future research profile and teaching concept
  • A non-public interview with members of the appointment committee 

Contact: Jasmin Eiblmeier



Faculty: Applied Healthcare Sciences

Start date: Winter semester 2025/2026

Salary: W2

Process status: Selection phase

Applicants are assessed for their professional and formal suitability.

Contact: Bettina Rackl



Faculty: Applied Healthcare Sciences

Start date: Winter semester 2025/2026

Salary: W2

Process status: Selection phase

Applicants are assessed for their professional and formal suitability.

Contact: Hannah Stöffl



Faculty: Applied Computer Science

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2 / W1

Process status: Trial lecture and committee listing

The selected candidates will be invited to attend an interview. This consists of:

  • Structured interview, if applicable
  • At least one university-public lecture related to the content of the professorship and, if applicable, a teaching sample of appropriate duration
  • A presentation of the future research profile and teaching concept
  • A non-public interview with members of the appointment committee 

Contact: Julia Stallinger



Faculty: Applied Natural Sciences and Industrial Engineering

Start date: Winter semester 2025/2026

Salary: W2 / W1

Process status: Application period

Application deadline: 28 February 2025

The application period ends on 28 February 2025. After the deadline ends all the application documents will be forwarded to the appointment committee.

To the job description: Research Professor / Junior Professor for "Industrielle Robotik"

Contact: Hannah Stöffl



Faculty: European Campus Rottal-Inn

Start date: Winter Semester 2025/2026

Salary: W2

Process status: Application period

Application deadline: 09 March 2025

The application period ends on 09 March 2025. After the deadline ends all the application documents will be forwarded to the appointment committee.

To the job description: Professor for "Informatics and Modelling of Energy Systems"

Contact: Bettina Rackl



Faculty: Applied Computer Science

Start date: Winter semester 2025/2026

Salary: W2

Process status: Selection phase

Applicants are assessed for their professional and formal suitability.

Contact: Julia Stallinger



Faculty: Applied Computer Science

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2 / W1

Process status: Trial lecture and committee listing

The selected candidates will be invited to attend an interview. This consists of:

  • Structured interview, if applicable
  • At least one university-public lecture related to the content of the professorship and, if applicable, a teaching sample of appropriate duration
  • A presentation of the future research profile and teaching concept
  • A non-public interview with members of the appointment committee

Contact: Hannah Stöffl



FacultyMechanical Engineering and Mechatronics

Start date: Winter semester 2025/2026

Salary: W2

Process status: Application period

Application deadline: 23 February 2025

The application period ends on 23 February 2025. After the deadline ends all the application documents will be forwarded to the appointment committee.

To the job description: Professor for "Konstruktion / Konstruktionsmethodik / Produktdatenmanagement"

Contact: Hannah Stöffl



Faculty: Electrical Engineering and Media Technology

Start date: Winter semester 2025/2026

Salary: W2

Process status: Selection phase

Applicants are assessed for their professional and formal suitability.

Contact: Bettina Rackl



Faculty: Applied Healthcare Sciences

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2

Process status: Selection phase

Applicants are assessed for their professional and formal suitability.

Contact: Jasmin Eiblmeier


Faculty: European Campus Rottal-Inn

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2

Process status: Committee phase & appointment

The list is confirmed by the Senate and the university management and one of the listed candidates will be offered the job and receives an invitation to appointment negotiations.

Contact: Julia Stallinger


FacultyApplied Natural Sciences and Industrial Engineering

Start date: Summer semester 2025

Salary: W2

Process status: Trial lecture and committee listing

The selected candidates will be invited to attend an interview. This consists of:

  • Structured interview, if applicable
  • At least one university-public lecture related to the content of the professorship and, if applicable, a teaching sample of appropriate duration
  • A presentation of the future research profile and teaching concept
  • A non-public interview with members of the appointment committee

Contact: Jasmin Eiblmeier



FacultyCivil and Construction Engineering

Start date: Winter Semester 2025/2026

Salary: W2

Process status: Selection phase

Applicants are assessed for their professional and formal suitability.

Contact: Bettina Rackl



FacultyApplied Computer Science

Start date: Winter Semester 2025/2026

Salary: W2 / W1

Process status: Committee phase & appointment

The list is confirmed by the Senate and the university management and one of the listed candidates will be offered the job and receives an invitation to appointment negotiations.

Contact: Jasmin Eiblmeier


Apply now

Did we convince you? You can find our current job openings on our job exchange platform:



Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our team at any time, we will be happy to help you.