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Exciting research on active exoskeletons

Research cluster TC Hutthurm, Cham and Freyung develops prototype

14.11.2022 | TC Hutthurm

Technical support systems such as exoskeletons are developed with the aim of supporting people in the execution of movements and thereby reducing the loads acting on them and, for example, making everyday working life easier. In the past, it was mainly passive exoskeletons that achieved a breakthrough in practical application, while active systems still have a niche existence.

In the interdisciplinary research cluster "Active Exoskeletons", the three Technology Campuses Cham, Freyung and Hutthurm s are working together. A prototype of an active exoskeleton for the lower extremities is being developed.

The focus is on the design of a lightweight structure, the implementation of efficient drives and smart control with the aid of artificial intelligence.

Bild (DIT): Set-up exoskeleton at the 5th Bavarian-Czech Entrepreneur Day (Stadthalle Deggendorf 18.10.22)